Spiritual Intelligence
Emotional Quotient to the power of Spiritual Intelligence (EQ ^ SI)
Beyond EQ
AI is expanding our Intelligence Quotient (IQ) in extraordinary ways. But humans are more than just our intellect. We are emotional and spiritual beings. Just like AI enhances our IQ, we need a way to enhance our Emotional Quotient (EQ): We call it Spiritual Intelligence (SI).
Human emotions are fragile and even erratic. We can’t count on our emotions to help us make the best decisions. But we can do much better if we are grounded on firm spiritual principles.
We develop our Spiritual Intelligence by studying and practicing spiritual principles that have been effective in guiding us for thousands of years.
Spiritual Principles
Spiritual principles are universal and timeless. They have been taught by philosophers, theologians, and prophets for thousands of years. Today, science confirms that these principles help us develop capabilities that lead to a happier, healthier, and abundant life.
Generosity is a Superpower
There are limitless ways to be generous. Science shows that when you are generous to someone you release dopamine immediately – it is called the helper’s high. When you are generous, a cascading set of events come together resulting in an increase in happiness and confidence.