Longevity Intelligence
Body Quotient powered by Longevity Intelligence (BQ ^ LI)
The Longevity Revolution
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is accelerating breakthroughs in longevity research, from drug discovery to personalized medicine. Just like AI expands our Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Longevity Intelligence (LI) expands our Body Quotient (BQ).
For most of human history, until the late 19th century, life expectancy was around 30 years of age. Life expectancy has grown dramatically since then and today, in most of the world, you can expect to live into your 70s or 80s. With the help of AI, this longevity curve promises to continue its upward trajectory. The implications to business and society are extraordinary.


The UN projects that the number of older people in the world will continue to grow rapidly, reaching over 1 billion by 2030. Many will be centenarians.

Social security in its current form is unsustainable. Many seniors will face difficulties, but many will benefit from extra years of compounding.

Seniors will work longer either by choice or need. Ageism may continue but seniors will open small businesses and contribute to the the economy and society.

Epigenetic Reprogramming
Epigenetic reprogramming is the process of changing a cell’s epigenetic marks without altering its DNA sequence. Its potential impact on longevity is groundbreaking and very exciting.

Also known as anti-senescence therapy, this treatment targets the accumulation of senescent cells and inflammatory factors that can lead to various diseases and is a contributing factor in aging.

NAD Boosters
Newly emerging scientific evidence shows that NAD boosters can increase the lifespan of mice. There are high hopes that we can translate these benefits to humans.